奧創資訊Goodia ئاپەکان

收銀達人 1.7
日本4月排名第一的收銀機達人來了!快來挑戰全世界最迅速的快手結帳員。商店中待結帳的物品堆積如山你最快多久可以處理完這些商品?強力徵求快手結帳員,締造神手級的時間極限!■ 遊戲規則發揮手指的極限在最短的時間內將20項商品的金額都正確的輸入完成。-Presented by Autra media-Japan ranked first inApril the cash register of people coming!Come and challenge the world's most rapidly deft checkout staff.Store checkout items to be piling upHow long can you processed the fastest these goods?Strong solicit deft checkout staff, creating hand of God class timelimit!■ rules of the gameFinger play in the shortest possible time limit the amount of 20commodities will have the correct input is complete.-Presented By Autra media-
穿針高手 1.8
★最高紀錄★2013年1月日本 “免費排行”第13名(>‿◠)✌★一天內達標TOP13的超創新無限挑戰遊戲左右移動線頭並對準針的位置,即可將線穿針成功越後面速度會越來越快,千萬要持續保持穩定度,才能突破極限遊戲沒有時間限制,你能成功的穿過多少針呢? 快來激發自己的潛能吧~-Presented by Autra media-The highest ★ 2013★Japan, in January, "free ranking" on 13 (> ‿◠) ✌★ day compliance TOP13 super innovative Infinity Challenge gameMove around the thread and needle aligned position to thelinepinning successThe more back faster and faster, be sure to continue tomaintainstability in order to break through the limitGames no time limit, how much you can successfully pass throughtheneedle it? Come to stimulate their potential it ~-Presented By Autra media-
步步驚魂 1.0.7
☆★☆★☆日本超人氣mini game★☆★☆★等車、等人、等吃飯,打發時間超好用!!!快速、敏捷的越過河面,創造抵達的最短時間!眼手合作,不要跳錯任何一顆石頭不然就會掉入水中囉~-Presented by Autra media-☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆Japaneseultra-popular mini game ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★And other vehicles, and others, such as eating, to pass thetimesuper useful! ! !Fast, agile across the river, creating the shortest timeofarrival!Eye-hand co-wrong not to jump to any one stoneOtherwise it will fall into the water Hello ~-Presented By Autra media-
急速救護員 2.0
日本超人氣打發時間小遊戲!!!天上突然掉下來許多人快變身極速救護員,立刻接住他們吧!■ 遊戲規則這是一場耐力的比賽,撐越久就能接越多人,馬上爭取神速救護員寶座吧!-Presented by Autra media-Japan'sultra-popularsmall game to pass the time !!!Many people suddenly fall from the skyFast speed Ambulanceman turned immediately to catch them!■ rules of the gameThis is a game of endurance, the longer you can stay connectedtothe people, immediately seek swift Ambulancemen throne it!-Presented By Autra media-
摩天漢堡疊疊樂 1.0
日本人氣小遊戲! 摩天漢堡登臺攻佔視覺與味蕾~覺得平常吃的漢堡太小不夠吃嗎?馬上來一客摩天漢堡,絕對吃的過癮!Popular Japanesegame!Ferris Hamburg captured on stage visual and taste buds ~That normally eat burgers too small enough to eat it?Ferris Hamburg immediately to a passenger, the absolute funtoeat!